Terms of Use

Information about ferry.aegeanair.com

This legal notice applies to the entire contents of this ferry booking engine. Please take some time to read these Terms and Conditions of Use (‘Terms of Use’) as by using this booking engine you indicate your acceptance of these Terms of Use regardless of whether or not you choose to register with us.

ferry.aegeanair.com is a collaboration between Aegean Airlines S.A and FERRYHOPPER S.A. (owner of the ferry booking engine ferryhopper.com). FERRYHOPPER S.A. operates all the booking and operational aspects of ferry.aegeanair.com. 

The Ferryhopper S.A. Company

The website “www.ferryhopper.com” and the mobile application “mobile ferryhopper” (hereinafter the term “Ferryhopper” means both the website and the mobile application) are owned by the Greek company under the company name "FERRYHOPPER LIMITED BY SHARES", and the distinctive title "FERRYHOPPER" (hereinafter the "company" or "our company") established on 18/10/2016 with registration number 140289903000 at General Commercial Registry and has its seat at 23th Kallirois Street, Athens with Tax Identification Number 800769311 (Tax Authority of Companies in Athens). 

Through the website “www.ferryhopper.com” and the mobile application “mobile ferryhopper”, our company acts as a travel agent (EOT 0206E60000775101 ) for ferry ticket booking and in general as a facilitator of travel services (e.g. travel insurance, hotel rental, car rental, etc.) provided by  third providers, hereinafter called the “Third Providers”, who are referred in Ferryhopper. In other words, through Ferryhopper, the user has the opportunity to search and purchase ferry tickets and in general travel services based on information in Ferryhopper provided by Third Provider. 

Ferryhopper’s novelty lies in the online reservation of different travel itineraries with an intermediate destination from a wide range of travel options to its users. The company seeks through its collaborations with Third Providers to enrich the range of the provided services via Ferryhopper in order to meet your needs. Ferryhopper is available to users through websites and third-party applications (e.g. GooglePlay, AppStore), is compatible with functional devices (e.g. Android, iOS) and requires an internet connection for its operation. The consumer has the following options regarding the use of Ferryhopper: a) to register as a user in Ferryhopper, b) to use Ferryhopper as a visitor. In case you use Ferryhopper as a visitor, you may not enjoy all the possibilities of Ferryhopper provided to users with a registered profile. In any case, whoever purchases services via Ferryhopper is referred herein as “user” (meaning both the registered user and the visitor).

The mandatory application of the general terms

Before you continue the navigation in Ferryhopper, you are kindly requested to carefully read these terms of use (hereinafter the “General Terms of Use”).

These General Terms of Use any specific terms of use applicable for specific service (hereinafter the “Specific Terms”), the privacy policy (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”) and the trackers policy (hereinafter the “Trackers Policy”) of Ferryhopper constitute a legally binding agreement governing any transaction between us. These General Terms of Use and any Specific Terms that my apply per service specify the rights and obligations of our company towards you as well as your rights and obligations towards our company as user and customer of Ferryhopper. The General Terms and any Specific Terms apply in addition to those set by the Privacy Policy and the Trackers Policy, and govern any transaction between us. By using Ferryhopper you unconditionally declare that you understand the General Terms of Use and any Specific Terms, you accept them, and you agree with them. In case you disagree with their content, in whole or in part, please do not use Ferryhopper and the services provided through Ferryhopper.  Given that our company acts as an intermediary for the provision of the aforementioned travel services, you should also check and comply with the Terms and Conditions of each Third Provider, as you could find in their terms useful information about the provided service (e.g. information about the possibility to change the reservation, any changes regarding the scheduled travel itineraries, the refund procedure). Terms and Conditions of Third Providers may apply in the transaction between you and the Third Provider. In other words, apart from Ferryhopper’s General Terms of Use, Specific Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, Third Provider’s Terms and Conditions also apply in your relationship with the said Third Provider.

User's rights

As Ferryhopper’s user, acting in conformity with the terms incorporated within Ferryhopper regarding its operation, you are entitled to use Ferryhopper for all available services provided by Third Providers via the Ferryhopper. As users and consumers, you reserve any other right provided by the Greek and European legislation. 

It is clarified that the user has no right of withdrawal in accordance with article 3 of the Law 2251/1994, which clearly states that passengers of transport services are excluded from its application scope.

Any dispute between us may be settled amicably through the European Commission's electronic Dispute Resolution Platform and its certified bodies in accordance with 2013/11/EU Directive on alternative dispute resolution (e.g. Hellenic Consumer Ombudsman).

User's obligation

 Any user must use Ferryhopper in conformity with the law, the General Terms of Use, any Specific Terms, the Privacy Policy and the Trackers Policy (regarding the essential cookies that make Ferryhopper usable), that are in force.

By using Ferryhopper, the user declares that is an adult (over 18 years of age), legally competent and the real user of Ferryhopper. In case of using of Ferryhopper for minors, the user declares that is legally liable for the minors.

By registering any data (yours or third parties’) within Ferryhopper you declare to us that you are entitled to make that registration (e.g. the information you enter refers to you, or third parties on behalf of which you act). You are exclusively liable for the content of the information you provide to us and their accuracy.

Ιt is prohibited to use Ferryhopper to enact any illegal activity against the company or against third parties (e.g. posting against the company or third parties of defamatory, inaccurate comments, and/or making payments using a third-party account without being authorized for this payment). Specifically, it is forbidden any use of Ferryhopper for misleading or profit purposes contrary to operation of Ferryhopper and in general for purposes others that the ones described in these General Terms of Use and/or any Specific Terms. 

You as a user must respect and not infringe the intellectual property rights of the company on Ferryhopper, avoiding any action infringing these rights, such as an unauthorized exploitation of Ferryhopper or imitating Ferryhopper.

According to our recommendation, you must check and comply with the Terms of Use of Third Provides that govern the provision of their services via Ferryhopper. The user is responsible for complying with the terms set by Third providers (e.g. the terms set by each shipping company regarding boarding time). 

Rights of the company - Limitation of liability

We reserve the right to exclude from Ferryhopper any user that acts illegally or violates our agreement and its relevant terms. We also have the right to reject any of your orders via Ferryhopper (e.g. booking order), in case of non- compliance to the General Terms of Use and/or Specific Terms of Ferryhopper.

The company is entitled to protect by any legal means its intellectual property rights in Ferryhopper. The company is the exclusive owner and beneficiary of Ferryhopper. Any copying, distribution, transfer, processing, resale, creation of derivative work or misleading about the actual beneficiary of Ferryhopper is prohibited. 

The company is entitled at any time to make changes to these General Terms of Use and/or the Specific Terms of Ferryhopper, without prior notice to the user, under the following preconditions: a) the changes are incorporated within Ferryhopper, so as to be available to the user and b) the changes apply for the future from the moment of their integration into Ferryhopper.

The company acting as a facilitator is not liable neither for any defected service provided by Third Providers nor for their inability to provide you with these services, irrespectively of your lawful conduct. Also, the company is not liable and responsible for the information provided to you by Third Providers through Ferryhopper, as the company does not control such information. For example, our company is neither liable nor responsible for any information regarding transfers, delays and cancellations of travel itineraries or other travel services and products of Third Providers. Third Provider is solely liable and responsible in case of non-availability of the selected and paid service, in case of faulty provision of the selected and paid services, in case of error, omission, violation, or refusal to provide. In case of injury, death, destruction of property or other damages (such as delays) due to the defected provision of the services, Third Provider is solely responsible and liable for any compensation.

Our company has no responsibility regarding travel documents (passports, visa, etc.) the client should possess for making a trip. The validity and originality of any necessary documents is passenger’s responsibility. The company is not liable for the content of other websites contained as links or references to Ferryhopper and is not liable for any damages or harm caused by them. Any reference to other websites facilitates the use of Ferryhopper.

Special Provisions

Regarding reservations

By filling in the relevant fields of the reservation form on Ferryhopper, the user gives an order to Ferryhopper to act as a facilitator of travel services provided by Third Providers. The reservation order shall bind the user in each case. In case of changes to the scheduled reservation of your choice, which fall within the area of responsibility of a Third Provider (e.g. in case of delay or cancellation of the travel itinerary), the company, will make an effort to contact you in your e-mail or your phone number, which you already have provided to us, in order to facilitate you and inform you about the relevant changes, provided that we would also have been timely informed by the responsible Third Provider. 

Regarding combined trips, indirect trips, and travel itineraries

It is clarified that the combination of the travel itineraries does not mean a combined sale of the relevant ferry tickets, whether the services provided by the same Third Provider or by different. In simple terms, each ticket is always sold separately. The user who chooses to buy a combination of travel itineraries with an intermediate destination has the sole responsibility for the successful completion of the combined trip responding to time limits (e.g. boarding time) set by the terms of each Third Provider. Our company acting as a facilitator is not responsible or liable for any changes regarding your reservations (e.g. modification of the time day or route of a trip or choice of inadequate waiting time between the trips or any other cause that will not allow the customer to complete the combined trip). In any case, we inform you through a specific notification, during the reservation and before its payment, for the exclusive responsibility of each Third Provider for the provision of the travel itineraries of the combined trip, as well as for your own responsibility to comply with the general terms of use of each Third Provider.

Regarding the price

As already has been clarified, our company has no liability for any change regarding prices and booking fees in case of cancellation of the trip by any Third Provider. In case there is an additional fee or commission of the company as an intermediary, it is explicitly defined to the user before the payment of the services in question, so as the user to understand which amount of the additional company fee is included in the total price of the service provided by the Third Party.

Regarding payment methods

For the provision of travel services to you via Ferryhopper you can buy travel services by paying with a credit card (e.g. Mastercard) or using other online payment methods (e.g. Digitalwallet). Our company supports payments for Visa, Mastercard, Maestro credit cards, as well as Masterpass payments through the National Bank of Greece, Eurobank and the payment institution “EveryPay”, which is licensed by the Bank of Greece (by virtue of the decision no 280/3 / 23-7-2018 FEK B 3010/25-7-2018), and safely manages payment transaction details, in accordance with the regulatory framework of the card industry data security standard. All payments and refunds are made in Euros (€) according to the current bank exchange rate.

The company is not obliged to deliver the tickets to the user, before the successful completion of the payment procedure. The company will book the ferry ticket or any other service only if there is a successful completion of the payment. In case that the reservation due to technical failure is unavailable despite the fulfillment of the payment, the company undertakes the responsibility to immediately withdraw (within the day) the transaction and return the full amount in Euros. The refund of the amount from the customer's bank is usually carried out within 3-7 days and the company has no additional obligation or liability for any additional bank charges.

Regarding the confirmation of booking

When purchasing any travel service through Ferryhopper, users will receive a booking confirmation via email. Users are expected to verify the correctness of the details and data contained within this reservation confirmation email and notify our company immediately, for any discrepancies or errors that may be included. 

Regarding ticket delivery

Your ferry tickets for trips in Greece or abroad, after the payment of the relevant reservation, can be sent to you by courier with an additional cost clearly described and outlined before the payment procedure. The cost of courier services varies depending on the date and place of the delivery. Irrespectively of the aforementioned possibility, you can receive your tickets from our company in the address mentioned in the beginning of these Terms of Use or from any authorized agencies of the relevant Third Provider (e.g. from the port of departure where the agency of the relevant shipping company is located).

Regarding any modification or cancellation of the ticket

The possibility to change or cancel a ferry ticket, a trip or another product or service are matters regulated by the terms of use of each Third Provider (e.g. by the relevant ferry company). For this reason, we recommend you read and comply with them, as it is necessary for the provision of the travel services. Our company, acting as facilitator, is not able to influence the terms of use of the Third Providers and that is why our company is not liable for issues regulated by them. For example, the terms of use of the Third Providers may define the costs that burden to modify or cancel the relevant travel service, which you have already selected. In case the Third Party provides you with the right to change or cancel the selected travel service (e.g. modification or cancellation of the relevant ticket reservation), you must notify us, via the contact form or through the page " My Reservation” no later than 48 hours before the scheduled departure, in order to make the desired change or cancellation in accordance with the terms of the relevant Third Provider. In case of a late notification a modification or cancellation of the reservation is not possible.

You are charged with a fee of six Euros (6 €) for the actions required by the company to cancel or change your purchased service. Furthermore, the modification or cancellation of the ticket takes place in accordance with the charges of the respective Third Provider (e.g. the respective shipping company), which are defined in its relevant terms of use. In general, the amount of the cost for the modification or the cancelation of the travel service, which is charged by each Third Provider, is determined by different factors, such as the time of the cancellation. These factors are described in the respective terms of use of the relevant Third Provider, with which you must comply. In case of cancellation, the remaining amount from the total cost you paid for the selected travel service, since it would be reduced after the aforementioned charges, will be refunded. In case that the Third Provider is responsible for the cancelation, you will not be burdened with any charge.

Applicable law, jurisdiction, and other provisions

These General Terms of Use, any Specific Terms, the Privacy Policy, and the Trackers Policy as  applicable from time to time, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Greece. 

The competent Courts of the city of Athens have the exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute between us deriving from General Terms of Use, any Specific Terms, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy or in general from the use of Ferryhopper. The competent Courts of the city of Athens have the exclusive jurisdiction for injunction measures and/ or temporary restraint orders as well (including tort). 

These General Terms of Use and any Specific Terms are available in Greek and English. In case of an interpretive issue, please read the Greek text, as the Greek version of the General Terms of Use and any specific Terms prevails.


Thanks for your trust!